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Camino Box | Terms


Comprehensive legal conditions are necessary, please carefully read the trade terms and conditions, which also contain information about our data policy. It is also necessary to allow the organiser to send you unsolicited emails through the system. Otherwise, we will not be able to notify you about changes or be able to confirm your registration etc.


Table of contents
1          The organiser
2          Accept
3          Webinars
4          Responsibility
5          Governing law and jurisdiction
6          Data policy and what we do with your data


1 The organiser
Hereinafter referred to as the "organiser"

“Camino-Box” is an activity of the company “LightRailDay.com ApS” in Copenhagen/Denmark
Kurlandsgade 26, 3. th.
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Tel.: +45 20 61 00 22
VAT No. DK 32674119

2 Accept
Trading on https://camino-box.com/ may only take place if the user declares that he agrees with the trade terms and conditions applicable to the organiser. To trade with the organiser, the user must be 18 years or older.

3 Webinars
The use of webinars on our website is free of charge, unless another agreement has been made in writing. We give all information after best of our knowledge, but without any guarantee, that the information is right. We express our opinion and no scientific facts. The organiser can’t be hold responsible for any information given during the webinars. By signing up for a webinar, you accept our terms and conditions, which among other things, allows us to send newsletters to you. And of course, you can get of this newsletter list again. Just unsubscribe, when the next newsletter arrives.

4 Responsibility
All requests for information and inquiries about the organiser's products, services, non-provision of services etc. are to be made to the organiser.

By registering for our event, the customer agrees in that his data will be published on the participant list.

5 Governing law and jurisdiction
The terms and conditions shall be construed in accordance with Danish law with the exception of the Danish conflict of law rules. Any dispute arising out of or relating to the Terms and Conditions shall be settled under Danish law with the exception of the Danish conflict of law rules.
If the parties cannot agree on resolving a dispute, such dispute shall be settled by the Danish courts of law.

6 Data privacy and what we do with your data
The use of https://camino-box.com/ is subject to our terms and conditions. If you cannot accept the terms and conditions, we request you exit the website and make no further use of it.

The information we may collect

You do not have to give LightRailDay.com ApS any personal information in order to use most of this website. However, you may choose to do so on various sections of our website, including:

downloading documents; subscribe to newsletters and/or register an interest in events as Study Trips, conferences, seminars; and the ‘contact’ section.

We may collect and process your personal information, such as your name and e-mail, and other contact details.

How we use your personal information

LightRailDay.com ApS will use your information to improve our marketing, for administration, for recruitment and to provide legal services. Your data is mostly used for Newsletters.

LightRailDay.com ApS will not pass your personal information on to third parties without your prior consent, unless we are forced to do so by law. But we will give your data to partners, helping us with our activities like marketing. That could be a partner, sending a newsletter to you on our behalf.

Your rights and responsibilities

It is your responsibility to ensure that your personal details are accurate and up to date and to inform us of any changes that need to be made.

You have the right to request details of the information LightRailsDay.com ApS holds about you upon written request. If you want to be deleted from our lists, please send a mail to Bernd Reuß, br@lightrailday.com. Bernd is the responsible for data storage at LightRailDay.com ApS.


Cookies are used to manage some of the functions on our website. These are small text files which are saved locally in your browser's cache and which are only used locally by this program.

Blocking and/or control of cookies
Depending on which browser you use, there are various ways of preventing cookies from being saved on your computer and of blocking, displaying and deleting any existing cookies. If you have difficulties with any of these processes, we suggest you consult the website of the relevant vendor where you will find the information you require. Even if you decide to block the storage of cookies on your computer, you will still be able to access our website.

Web server logs
All of the information gathered for the purpose of optimising our website is collected by the aforementioned web analysis tool. As such, the web server does not log the visits to our website. You can therefore visit this website without any privacy concerns. You will remain anonymous for the course of your visit.

Collection, processing, use and transmission of personal data
We may request the provision of personal data when it is necessary for dealing with your enquiries or requests for information. In sending the form you are giving consent to the relevant company department to process your personal data in order to deal with your enquiry.  Your personal data will not be passed on to third parties unless this is permitted by law. There is one exception: during the event a list of participants will be provided on paper to all participants and may contain first name, last name, e-mail, company and country.

We would like to remind you that data transmission via the internet is not secure and so there is always a risk that it may be intercepted and used by third parties. You can always contact us by post or by telephone if you prefer.

Children under the age of 14 may not send personal data to us over the internet without the permission of a parent or guardian. Please note that our website is not designed or intended for use by those under the age of 18. We will not knowingly collect any personal data from persons under the age of 18.

Links to other websites
This website also contains links to other websites. The data privacy statement set out here does not apply to these websites. Please visit these websites directly to find out their positions on data protection, security and collection of data and their policies on passing data on to third parties. The owner of this website cannot be held responsible for any actions arising from these websites or their contents.

The website contains documentation protected by copyright and may contains other documentation protected by third parties’ intellectual rights. You may alone use the Website in accordance with the rights conceded to them by law.

Use of this Website is subject to Danish law.

Any disputes shall be settled by the local courts as first instance.


Links to social networks